Wednesday 2 December 2009


I've still not heard back from the counsellor. The woman told on Friday it might take a wee while, but I'd expected to have something by now. Not sure if I should e-mail them to ask or just wait another day or two.

Things have been typical round here, but have thankfully calmed down a lot. I did some of my volunteering today. A 17yo male collapsed so I was called out to that. It turned out to be a simple faint with no tangible cause. Everything was fine on examination, a paramedic arrived after me and confirmed this, so we went on our way leaving him with some advice. That's about as exciting as it's been.

I'm just hoping the counsellor will be quick and e-mail me soon. I'm just ticking over for now. Passing each day as it comes.

I get less people running up asking if I'm gay now, so it's calmed down in that respect too, which is nice. Things almost seem to be heading towards a norm now. University is a very accepting place, I've not had anymore contact from anyone at school except for true friends, or two people who seem intent on reminding me verses in the Bible. I'm not sure how to block e-mails, so I just delete any I see come in.

I had a pretty funny reaction from someone today. "Great, can we go shopping!?"
I said: "That's a stereotype, not all gay people like shopping."
"Aww, okay. Sorry."
"SO when do you want to go?" (I don't mind it, I didn't buy anything either, so bank account win)

1 comment:

  1. My sister asked me a couple of years ago why I can't be one of those "fun gays" who can do her hair and makeup and dish on people. Thankfully, she was just kidding.

    I love shopping! Then again, that's shopping for music (CDs, records, tapes).
