Thursday 26 November 2009

Lift Heading Up

Things look like they are getting better now.

I got my first comment last night! Mr. HCI. I checked out what he said today, about counsellors not being allowed to share information unless it was to protect me/somebody.

It turns out the counsellors are not allowed to disclose any personal information about me unless I was posing a danger to myself or someone else. So as I'm not doing that I think I should be good. I also got a letter from them today. Luckily given to me in person as it had University of ********** written all over it. Nice and subtle for the flatmates eh? In the letter they seemed very nice and approachable. I'm swaying so far to the go for it side now. (I think my director of studies must have thought I needed a push in the right direction).

Uni today was fairly standard, not much going on. My flatmates seem a bit more ok with everything. Some to differing levels. Most of them are still treating me just as before, and we all have a laugh. So it's not too bad. Things in the flat are looking up and at uni things are looking better with this counsellor. Just exams to worry about now really. Also nobody here has really been that bad, I don't think all that many know but some probably do. I got another letter about our schools first reunion. It's in the bin... A reunion after 6 months? Seems early. I can count the people I want to see again on one hand. I also keep in touch with them, so can easily arrange to see them whenever. I got a lovely e-mail from an old school friend. A real friend anyway.
It was huge, but to sum it up: My friend heard I was gay, and it doesn't bother him at all. He knows some people at school don't like it, but he said that they are just small minded. He spent a large chunck saying how it changes nothing between us, and he hopes to see me about christmas time. He also seems to be liking his uni, he wrote about the "talent on offer". So I that e-mail literally made my day.

Well it's decided. I will go to the counsellor and see what it's all about.
I finish tomorrow at 1pm. :) Students eh?
So I will go down and see them tomorrow I think. I feel better knowing they won't tell other people, and it sounds like it will help.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. The e-mail from your old friend sounds lovely, indeed!

    Best of luck with the counselor!!
